Corporate Sponsorship

Partnering with the Folsom Lake Symphony

Corporate and individual sponsors with the Folsom Lake Symphony help to create the exciting, high quality performances that the Folsom Region has come to prize since the orchestra’s inception in 2004.

With sold out audiences for 90% of concerts since our first, our family of donors and sponsors enjoy high visibility with a highly desirable demographic that appreciates quality, innovation and culture within their community and region. Most Folsom Lake Symphony season ticket holders and patrons come from within a 60 mile radius of Folsom, and receive exciting written and internet communications from the organization many times throughout the year in addition to our in-house concert program. As the technologic advances of our age develop, The Folsom Lake Symphony is committed to staying on the cutting edge. We embrace strong relationships with the best of history and the best of the future: one of the hallmarks of being a treasure within our region.

In addition to bringing incredibly entertaining and high quality performances to Northern California, we at The Folsom Lake Symphony are highly invested in our Community Outreach Program, serving youth and seniors, giving access, opportunity and education in very special ways to these deserving members of our community. Affordable and easy access to the concert experience, performance opportunities to able young performers and musical instrument provision for underserved middle school students with a high desire to learn are at the heart of our organization.

The Folsom Lake Symphony invites you to partner with us in providing to our region the finest quality musical experience possible, along with our exceptional community outreach program. Ticket sales will sustain only a part of our economy and mission, and we need your financial support.

With sponsorship of The Folsom Lake Symphony, the benefits to you and your organization will include:

  • Greater visibility within Northern California to existing and new clients through appearance in a wide variety of communications vehicles throughout the year.
  • Contribution to a culture of the arts that provides a high quality of life within your living and working communities
  • Venturing out into a possible new realm of marketing for your business, to a demographic that invests with consistency in values such as the arts
  • A highly visible demonstration of your commitment to the quality of life in this region to current and new clients, both in the arts and in community outreach to the underserved
  • Special opportunities to entertain clients and friends with elite and customized events associated with the symphony
  • Association with businesses and individuals who share your values and interests in the arts and other causes in the region
  • A demonstration to the community and its members that its cultures, values, traditions and quality of life are of worth to you and your business or organization.
  • To learn more about how to become a Corporate Sponsor, contact our business office at 916.357.6718 or email and become a proud sponsor of one of Sacramento’s greatest community assets, the Folsom Lake Symphony.
Giving Levels & Benefits